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Pages editor Pages

  • When you click the 'Pages' menu, a window titled 'Page List' appears.
  • Click the button labeled 'Add Category', categories are added, and you can create multiple pages.
  • You can put an image next to the category name by tapping the mountain-shaped icon. A gray icon is an image that appears when another category is selected, and a blue icon is an image that appears when the category is selected. You can delete it by re-selecting the icon after inserting the image.
  • You can set the category name in the column next to the mountain icon.
  • If you select the eye icon, you can hide or show the corresponding category page.
  • Then, when you click the edit icon, you can go to the corresponding category page and edit the screen configuration.
  • Click the copy icon to copy the page. The delete button is used to delete the page
  • The right-most + button is used to create a subpage.
  • Category background color: Set background color and transparency when the category is deactivated.
  • Background color when the category is activated: Set background color and transparency when the category is activated.
  • Category text color: You can set the category name color and transparency.
  • Category transparency: Set the transparency of the category background (1 to 100).
  • Category position: Decide where the category will be placed on the page.
  • Category use: If you choose not to use a category, the category is not displayed.